Wednesday 14 March 2012

A love of all things Pinterest

About 3 months ago a friend told me about a website called Pinterest. Initially I did not think very much about it and did not really even understand what the concept was. The website is basically a community in which members (who are "invited" by the website) can "pin" photos they like onto boards, essentially a giant tack board. This concept did not really intrigue me, and I did not think I would be interested in Pinterest at all. Was I ever wrong! 
Pinterest Pin Boards (2012). Pinterest [Image], Retrieved, March 14 2012,  from:

Pinterest is a magical cyber dream-world in which you can pin everything your heart has ever desired. By creating boards (I quickly created 20 boards, as you can see in the photo above) such as "home sweet home", "parties I will plan", "clothes I love", and the ever important "shoes" one can view all of their coveted photos in one neat and tidy space. Admittedly I have spent literally hours on Pinterest, something that used to be reserved for Facebook only. Pinterest has actually been called the "New Facebook" by the New York Post in response to the huge popularity the site has experienced in a relatively short amount of time.

While Pinterest is a very fun waste of time, and a great way to procrastinate, it actually is an excellent way to communicate, both for leisure time as well as professionally. As a future foods and social studies teacher, Pinterest gives me access to ideas that other teachers have "pinned" and lets me see how these ideas worked for them in their classrooms. It also gives me an organized and safe place to store these ideas by simply creating a board for them. As I noted in my previous Introductory post, I am a major foodie. One of the main reasons I use Pinterest is to find great looking recipes, many of which would be appropriate for me to use in my foods classroom. Many of the images people pin onto Pinterest are from blogs, such as the one I am writing right now. By introducing people to blogs they never would have found otherwise, Pinterest opens up communication between people near and far and allows for sharing of ideas, photos, and videos. 

I highly recommend Pinterest to anyone and everyone! I have told countless friends such as my fellow classmate Julie that they have to request an invite so they too can use this excellent website. Iphone users can even take Pinterest with them on the go through the use of the Pinterest app, and you can also access Pinterest through Facebook where you can choose to display your pins as well. Give it a try and let me know what you think of it!


  1. Great blog post. My step-mom was telling me about Pinterest the other day and I looked it up. After reading your post, I started to think how Pinterest could help my career in the future.

  2. I have heard so much about Pinterest from my friends! They have found it a great place to find yummy recipes, funny videos, awesome pictures, etc. Because they sound so enthusiastic about Pinterest, I'm looking into using it and creating my own 'pin board'. As Erin commented above, it would be a good move to use Pinterest for future career assistance.

  3. I found out about Pinterest through Facebook. The application started showing up over and over on my news feed so I decided to check it out. I am now obsessed with it. Its almost like another Facebook or Twitter site because you can spend a long time on it with out accomplishing anything. Its great that you wrote a blog post on it, I was thinking about doing it myself. I am going to check out your pin board right now!

  4. I really liked your post about Pinterest. I have seen it around a lot but have never used it or understood the concept behind it. Your post really opened my eyes up to what the site is all about and you made great connections to your future job. Also as a teacher to be, you really made me interested in how this site can be used within the field of education. I am definitely going to check this site out now and maybe create a pin board of my own!

  5. Very cool! I have heard whispers of Pinterest but my interpretation coincided with your initial thoughts of what it was about. However, I think you have me convinced to try it out! (Though, perhaps I'll wait until after finals in case it becomes too addicting!) I think it will be very interesting to see where this site goes and if it does indeed become as big as Facebook. It sounds as though it even has potential as a professional tool - perhaps one could make boards that highlight experiences, goals and interests, to be used as a type of e-portfolio.

  6. Brit, I am in the same boat as you. My roommate introduced me to Pinterest a few months ago, and at first I could not be bothered by the idea. Then, one day in class I saw a girl scrolling through it, so I went home and two hours later I realized how great a website it is! I am also a huge foodie too, and I love looking at the recipes and trying out new things. I think, especially for your future career as a teacher this would be a great tool for you to keep up to date on fashion trends and what not, and as we have both discovered, a fantastic way to find recipes. I think this website will become almost as popular as Facebook because it has SO many different categories such as health and fitness, travel, gardening, and technology, just to name a few. I think now a days people are hesitant to jump on new band wagons of social media, but once people give Pinterest a shot, I have very few doubts they won't be as addicted as we are.

    Julianna Lackowicz

  7. Hi Brittany

    Pinterest is amazing! My aunt told me about it a few months ago and I downloaded the app on my iphone and I have been hooked ever since! It sort of reminds me of a combination of twitter and facebook because you can "repin" things like you can re-tweet on twitter and you can follow people's boards like you follow on twitter, and the comment portion of pinterest reminds me of facebook. It is a neat way to share ideas and pictures in a well organized form. I would second your recommendation and agree that pinterest really is addicting! Nice post!

  8. Awesome blog content. I love that you wrote a blog post about Pinterest! This is my new obsession on my iPhone. Since it is on my phone I find myself spending a little bit too much time browsing through pictures and 'pinning'. Is it me or does it seems like Pinterest is much more popular among females. Personally, I enjoy getting new outfit and recipe ideas, as well as fitness inspiration. However, with its increasing exposure and uses this may change.

  9. Hi Brittany,

    I must confess to you that I am a foodie too. I like looking for good recipes on the web and I really need pictures to show me how good the dish is. Pinterest is a paradise for all foodies! I am thinking if Pinterest has an application on iphones too, as there are many similar iphone apps allowing users to pin several photos together to make a big one. We can then share the photo with others letting them know about your interest. Pinterest is a great sharing tool, or even better describing it, a good communicator allowing people with the same interest to show and share. I would like to use Pinterest to share my desserts because I am really addicted to baking, hoping to meet people with the same interest.

  10. Thank you for breaking down what Pinterest is all about. I had no idea that you could do so much with it. After reading your comments, I'm considering creating my own Pinterest account. I like how it gives you an opportunity to be creative and share the things you love with other people. It's also a great networking tool for getting in touch with people who share your interests.

  11. Wow I'm really intrigued by Pinterest now, after hearing about some of the cool ideas you can create. I can already think of a few neat boards I'd like to work on...I wonder why the website requires you to be "invited"? Do you think men and women enjoy the website equally? First impressions lead me to believe it might be a "girlie" thing. Still, what a great way to share interests with your friends!
